Personal Data
Alter Ego:  Lorraine Reilly
Occupation:  Administrative Assistant, Institute of Meta-Human Studies
Marital Status:  Single
Known Relatives:  Walter Reilly (father)
Group Affiliation:  Captains of Industry
Base of Operations:  Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
First Appearance:  (Lorraine) The Fury of Firestorm, The Nuclear Man, Vol. 2, #1 (June, 1982); (Firehawk) The Fury of Firestorm, The Nuclear Man, Vol. 2, #17 (October, 1983)
Height:  5'7"
Weight:  121 lbs.
Eyes:  (Lorraine) Blue; (Firehawk) Red
Hair:  (Lorraine) Red; (Firehawk) Inapplicable
Powers & Weapons