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Firestorm News:
in the Blanks:
With Liam Sharp providing the images for the #7 fill-in issue (& Bloodhound
Singh at CBR chats with him about drawing Firestorm.
Talks Double Duty:
Dan Jolley
talks to
Arune Singh at CBR about his Firestorm/Bloodhound crossover.
Ingle Steps Up to the Plate:
With issue #8, Jamal Ingle takes over penciling duties on Firestorm.
Here's a preview, thanks to The Pulse.
Leaves Firestorm:
Issue #5 will be ChrisCross's last issue as
penciller. Jamal Ingle will be the new penciller beginning with issue
#8. Check out ChrisCross's note on the
message board at Comixtreme.
Firestorm Featured on the DC Comics Website:
Yep, that's right. Ol' Flamehead takes center stage at the DC website.
Check it out for info on the 1st story arc and an intriguing interview with
series artist ChrisCross.
Interview with Dan Jolley:
New interview with Firestorm writer at the Comic Book Resources website.
Interview with Dan Jolley:
Check out this excellent interview with the writer of the new Firestorm
Series! Yes, it's true. The mantle of Firestorm will be taken
over by a new character, Jason Rusch, a 17-year-old African-American Detroit
native who's trying to scrape up money for college.
DC Direct Figure:
to a great preview by Toy News
International, we've been given our first view of the upcoming Firestorm
Action Figure from DC Direct. This figure is scheduled to arrive in
stores December 22nd, 2004, along with the rest of the Justice League Series
2 figures of Adam Strange, The Elongated Man, and The Atom.
May 5th, 2004 -
#1: As you
probably already know, the series is launching in May. There will be a
7-page preview in
Magazine #151, which is due out in April. Also, there's an article
Wizard Magazine #149 (on sale Jan. 28th, 2004) that has an interview
with Dan Jolley.
gives you an idea about what the new series will be about. Man, this
is exciting!!! Be sure to reserve your 10 copies of Firestorm #1 today
at your local retailer!
More Info on
the New Series: 10/29/03
Looks like the new series will have a different character in the title role
when the book hits the stands in April. Check out this from
Wizard Universe.com:
"FIRESTORM (DC): Where’s Ronnie Raymond? Newbie flame-head 17-year old Jason
Rusch sure would love to know, because scary things are happening to his
body and even scarier villains are breathing down his neck! Writer Dan
Jolley (G. I. Joe: Frontline) and artist ChrisCross (Captain Marvel) blaze a
new trail for Firestorm beginning in April 2004."
Firestorm Series Still On!!!!! (Part II):
The Sept. 25th, 2003 issue of Wizard, #145, mentions it in its "Buzz Bin"
and an interview later in that issue with Dan DiDio, DC Comics' Vice
President of Editorial confirms it!
"The new Firestorm is a priority of mine right now," reveals DiDio.
From the "Buzz Bin":
"DC's long-awaited
Firestorm project will finally hit stands in the spring of 2004, with writer
Dan Jolley (G. I. Joe: Frontline) at the helm. Fans can look forward to the
introduction of a brand new character taking on the mantle of Firestorm. The
artist hasn't been confirmed yet, but DC is rumored to be looking at
ChrisCross (Captain Marvel)."
This was confirmed by Jolley on the
ComiX-Fan Forums on Sept. 24th, where he says,
"I can finally talk
about the new series!!!!!!! Well, a little, anyway. Debuting in
April of '04, I'm writing a brand new Firestorm series, with ChrisCross on
the pencils! There's not a WHOLE lot more I can say about (otherwise the DC
marketing people will break my kneecaps) but the series will feature a
completely new character taking on the "mantle" of Firestorm. Stay
tuned for more!" This is
exciting news for all of you Nuclear Fans out there. Sure, we heard
this same thing in Wizard exactly 1 year ago today. So what?
This sounds pretty solid. The fact that the creative team is hinting
that Ronnie might not be in control of Firestorm in the new series kind of
worries me. But I have faith in DC and Dan DiDio. He must be
doing something right with all of the top-notch creators that he's signed to
an exclusive deal with DC since he came aboard (Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka,
Jeph Loeb, Grant Morrison, et al). I'm willing to wait and see what
the future has in store for Ol' FlameHead. I have a good feeling.
For more info on this, check out the
Newsarama article, "Firestorm Returns with Jolley & ChrisCross".
Big Changes for Ol'
FlameHead in JLA: What, you're not picking up JLA and
you're a Firestorm fan?!??! You need to get crack-a-lackin'! As
of the end of August 2003's issue #84
"Trial By Fire, Part 1" (cover dated Early October), it looks
like the creative team has some changes in store for our beloved hero.
Let's hope Joe Kelly, Doug Mahnke, Tom Nguyen, et al bring Firestorm back to
upper echelon of the DCU where he belongs. Still don't have it?
Go pick it up! Get two, and give your extra to someone you know.
Firestorm Series Still On!!!!!:
...And Peter Tomasi will be the editor of this ongoing
series, according to July 2nd reports:
Comics Continuum article,
Newsarama article.
Enters the Gaming World: On May 28th, WizKids Games
announced that Firestorm will be part of their Cosmic Justice HeroClix line
due out this summer. I know I'm going to try and get all 3 FlameHead
New DC Comics Message Boards: Starting on May 22nd, go
straight to the
New Firestorm Forum and talk about everything and anything to do with Ol'
Series Put on Hold: As
first reported at The Pulse (Carey
Out - Ongoing Firestorm Series Delayed - 5/14/03), it seems that
the new Firestorm series that was originally slated for an August release
date has been put on hold. Also, it seems that Mike Carey will no
longer be the writer of the new series when it does hit the stands.
Carey posted and explanation of events at the Firestorm Forum on the (old)
DC Message Boards:
"Sorry it came out
this way. What happened was that Jen Contino emailed me about an interview
we were trying to arrange, and I'd just heard that I was off the book so I
told her the interview was sort of moot. I intended to come on the board
here and explain the situation to everyone - which is basically that a
decision has been taken to jettison the series concept that we had up to
this point and take the entire thing back to review from the ground up. This
means that there could still be a Firestorm book, but it looks as though if
that happens it will be a different creative team and a different take on
the character. I'm sorry - sorrier than I can say - because this was a book
I really wanted to do, but there had been problems and delays that were
nobody's fault, and I guess somewhere along the way the line just snapped
and we ran out of time. There are no hard feelings, and I don't feel as
though I've been badly treated: both Peter (Tomasi) and Steve (Wacker) have
been great to work with, as was Dan. I just wish we could have made it
happen. And I hope somebody else can, because Firestorm is too good a
character to waste."
(Link no longer
Firestorm Series Slated for August 2003:
With announcements at
Comic Book Resources (CBR) and in this week's (Feb. 26th) Wizard #139,
it has been confirmed that Mike Carey (Lucifer, Hellblazer)
will be writing the new series. However, Lewis Larosa will not
be the artist as originally reported.
Firestorm Forum @ the DC Message Boards (Link no
longer available): February 11th, DC finally got
wise and added a Firestorm forum to their message boards. What do you
mean you haven't checked it out yet? Follow the link and go there now!
The question is this: Is this a sign that the new solo series is
heading down the pipes? Keep your eyes peeled, and if you hear
anything, be sure to
e-mail me!
"The Power Company Goes Nuclear, Man":
Dec. 18th article at Newsarama.com
about Firestorm and Kurt Busiek's plans for him in the pages of The Power
Company. Yes!!! I'm so excited about this! An
excellent writer and a superb artist working on my favorite character.
Christmas came a little early this year!
Firestorm, Super Hero
for Hire?: It seems that Firestorm will not remain in the JLA
after the Obsidian Age story arc. If rumors (and the last page of
November's The Power Company) are to be believed, Firestorm could
soon join The Power Company as their new associate.
Firestorm Mini-Series?:
This is from Wizard Magazine #134, which hit the stands on Sept. 25th, 2002:
Firestorm's A'Brewin':
DC has announced that Mike Carey (Lucifer) will write an upcoming Firestorm
mini-series scheduled for sometime next year. While no artist has been
announced yet (rumors abound that Carey's Lucifer penciller Peter Gross is
on the short list), Jim Lee has designed the new costume, which he assures
Firestorm fans, "will still have the puffy sleeves."
This is GREAT news for Firestorm fans. Let's just hope Jim Lee
doesn't change the costume too much.
Pocket Super Heroes:
The new Pocket Super Heroes from DC Direct hit the shelves on Sept. 11th.
In this Series 1 set were the "Silver Age" Firestorm and Red Tornado.
Firestorm Back in the Mainstream?: So, what's going on
with Firestorm these days? Well, it has been several years, but it
seems that our favorite Flame Head is finally getting his due. After
appearing in just about every major company crossover, it seems that
Firestorm is hitting some of DC's regular series. With an bit part in
the pages
JSA during the Stealing Thunder storyline, including a cover shot, it
seems that Firestorm is finally reentering the spotlight. The summer
of 2002 will see Firestorm return to the ranks of the Justice League.
From the early previews, it seems that the regular "Big 7" line up of the
JLA is heading to another dimension to find the missing Aquaman in a story
arc entitled The Obsidian Age. In the meantime, a new JLA is
formed to watch over the world while they are gone. This includes the
fan favorite Nuclear Man. Also, it has been said that some of the
characters from the new lineup will remain with the team after the current
story arc is over. Hopefully, this will include Firestorm.